Berrie Williams Ministries is a ministry moved by the mandate Jesus commanded his disciples to obey in Matthew 28: 18,

“All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age”  

BWM has 3 core spheres of ministry which forms the very heartbeat of what our message entails: EvangelismProphecy and Healing.

This international and multiracial ministry has already crossed racial boundaries preaching to every tongue and language and race. The gospel is being preached and Pastor Berrie Williams is committed to continue this mission till the Lord calls him home.

Amongst other, BWM has a statement of faith value system which clears reflect our identity as a ministry and the doctrine we hold to.

We believe:

  • That salvation is only in the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and through the born again experience through blood of Jesus
  • In the Death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ
  • That the word of God is infallible and final authority on any given matter
  • In the Holy trinity and that Father, Son and Holy Spirit is God in three persons
  • That the blood of Jesus has been shed for the forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ
  • That our enemy is the Devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy every soul under heaven
  • In the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ as prophesied in the Holy Bible


Above is our main core beliefs and this we preach to all people, that forgiveness of sin, healing and restoration is in no other person but in the Son of God the Father, Jesus Christ.

Coming close to 20 years of ministry, we aim to reach high in faith and cast out our nets to catch in such a great harvest of souls that church buildings will become too small as the flow of new souls comes into the Kingdom.

This is our mission, this is our task and you are our help and partners to do it. BWM works with communities and businesses to be a prophetic voice in the marketplace and even in government having had dignitaries attend Pastor Berrie’s meetings and being prayed for.

NOT TO MISS!!! Postmasburg healing and deliverance crusade